Imagine living with a sense of wonder and awe.
Imagine being in love with the miracle of life.
imaGINArium offers a safe space for you to drop into your heart, feel what you feel, and release your wounds, reclaiming the freedom to be who you are.
We need to learn safe ways of being with our emotions.
We are emotional beings before being rational, even if we think the opposite!
It is important to feel what we have in our heart. Our ability to be vulnerable is a path to wholeness, bringing to consciousness our deepest wounds.
Genuinely feeling is the essence of being alive.
Our suffering contains the seed of our transcendence.

Citizen of the world; based in Brussels. Art therapist, grief recovery specialist, artist and photographer, Gina van Hoof relies mainly on the creative process and the spontaneity that is expressed through artistic techniques to rediscover, develop and stimulate human potential. She is passionate about how creativity allows the subconscious to speak, to find legitimate expression. Gina’s mission is to connect humanity with presence and emotional awareness.
She invites participants to experience the freedom of creativity that is often stifled or restricted by analytical reasoning. Gina offers a safe environment for expression, which initiates a process of transformation. She holds space for you to visit those parts of yourself you’re most terrified of, allowing you to befriend the whole of you. Gina invites you to let your inner knowing liberate you from your suffering, gently letting your creativity guide your deep dive within to heal your heart and ignite the essence of your being.
Art Therapy diploma from l’Institut de Formation Rhapsodie.
Grief Recovery Method® Specialist certified by The Grief Recovery Institute.
Suicide First Aid certified by Suicide First Aid (SFA) UK.
Systemic Constellations. Trained by Marie-Claude van Lierde.
Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination trainer certified by CEJI.
Photography graduate from l’Ecole Supérieur des Arts « Le 75 ».
Gina van Hoof has travelled to many countries as a photojournalist, documentary photographer, and for international clients. Her work has been exhibited in Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, the UK, France, and the USA. She has collaborated with La Libre Belgique, The Sunday Telegraph Magazine, Monocle, Newsweek, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone Magazine, People Magazine, The Advocate, More!, CBS, ABC, The Katie Couric Show, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Anti-Defamation League, The Jewish Museum of Brussels, to name a few.
Photography was my psychologist.
It taught me about perspective.
It taught me how to be present in the moment.
It taught me to value the ordinary.
Countless hours in the darkroom had me perfecting the art of developing negative images into positive images.
The more time I spent in the dark, the better I could see in the dark.
Photography taught me the importance of correct exposure, getting the black really black and the white really white, with every nuance of grey in between.
Photography taught me what to focus on. What I see in my frame depends on my point of view and the wideness and clarity of my lens.